Groaning at God
This has got to be a real common experience for every Christian, every day. How many times have we turned back to God and said "Well why?". "Why have you let this happen to me?" "I haven't done anything to deserve this treatment!" i say. "I've sinned yes. Jesus died for my sins...surely bad things shouldn't continue to occur?" I have to refer back to Job 23 in which Job is really suffering, way more than i ever have, and he is really having a good go at God. he is asking all the 'WHY' questions. Job writes this in verses 8-9: I go east, but he is not there. I go west, but I cannot find him. I do not see him in the north, for he is hidden. I look to the south, but he is concealed. The difficult part for us to understand is the "time" factor. Gods time or ours? We tend to see things or compute events in our time, which is limited. Gods time is endless and infinite. Whilst Job was complaining here, he also knew deep i...